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Press Release: Young Curators – Curating Harlow Exhibition
On the 29th January 2019 the Young Curators will be opening the Curating Harlow exhibition, a group exhibition of work by Harlow’s emerging artists, students and graduates from the Young Curators programme.
Young Curators are a motivated group of 14 – 19 year olds, curating exhibitions with local artists and organisations to empower young people to develop skills and gain experience in the creative industries.
The exhibition will be held in the Harlow Playhouse Gallery from 29th January until the 25th February 2019, open Mondays to Saturdays from 10:30 to 5:30.
The works of Robyn Bailey, Freya Boittier, Bristy Chowdhury, Molly Howard-Foster, Courtney King, Eglé Pačkauskaite and Jemma Skellet will be displayed. They are all young artists in university or recently graduated, with a passion for art and a lot of potential. They are also all alumni of Young Curators.
Chris Snow, Chair of Harlow Art Trust said “The Young Curators programme is a brilliant opportunity for young people in Harlow aged 14 – 19 who are interested in a career in arts, culture, gallery and theatre or event management. With the Creative Industries being the largest growth sector in the UK economy, this is a vital area in which Harlow should be cultivating its workforce. Some of the alumni have gone on to further degrees and masters level education in the arts. All have gained experience and skills that they can call upon in a working life that will increasingly value creativity and cultural knowledge.”
It will be a fantastic display viewed by many local people and will be an amazing opportunity for young artists and curators to develop their ability and grow exponentially in confidence. Thanks to The Young Curators programme, Harlow Playhouse and the Gibberd Gallery who work hard to put together these events.
Click here to download a PDF of the press release
Download the invitation as a PDF

The Young Curators’ press release clearly served its purpose, as a reporter from Your Harlow attended to cover the opening event.